Mt. Norris Scout Reservation Summer Camp
The Mount Norris Scout Resrvation is the home for Scout summer programming in the Green Mountain Council. Our 1,071-acre property is located on beautiful Lake Eden and it’s where we hold summer camp for Cub Scouts (ages 5-10) and for Scouts, BSA (ages 10-18). Our programing is open to both boys and girls registered as Scouts. We build our program around traditional age-focused Scouting activities such as swimming, canoeing and paddleboarding; Handicrafts, such as woodcarving, art and pottery; Scoutcraft, such as camping and cooking skills; Shooting Sports, Nature study, and climbing. Our meals are taken together in a dining hall.
Camp Type
- Coed
- Families
- Elementary
- Preteens
- Teens
Contact Info